
Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Prayer Experiment

         What is a prayer experiment? Well in my mind it is taking time in my day to sit quietly, listen, enter into the presence of the reality of God always present and with us, become more aware of the beauty around me, read from a daily prayer reading for me the Liturgy of the Hours works either on my iPhone or hard copy, and sit with that for a while, and or a passage of scripture read slowly.

It is also lifting those that come to mind up in prayer and those I have met in the week or family who may need prayer. I may also use a reflective devotional, a journal, little things that help me stay in a prayer mode. But mostly it is just sitting, or walking and entering into a time with God.

My prayer experiment is this. For the next year and probably more I will take one hour a day and it may be in a couple of chunks, but an hour total and give it up to God. Why am I doing this? Well I have been feeling led into praying more and yet keeping myself busy doing other things. Doing spiritual reading etc and getting into using LOL as a practice and have been but not committing.

I have been trying to do too much myself. Using my mind and trying to push things and it was not working. However when I kind of gave up and after doing as much as I could do and just said No. As a semi-retired person I will have prayer and Jesus as a centre first and yes I am married and that is equally important but there has to be core.  As soon as I did that things I had tried to do fell into place and literally arrived by their own accord or I saw and understood what needed to be done that I did not get before. So this is my year of Prayer Experiment to Pray first, Do next versus Do and Do and Do and then think about prayer in case it didn't work......