A Voice of Their Own: Women’s Spirituality in the Middle Ages.
Excellent content, great videos and it is out of the University of Barcelona. There is also a section on Huerta where we once had a Cistercian conference with Lay Cistercians and Cistercian Monastics…it has a lot of solid content and it’s well researched. Includes transcripts.
If you have never taken a free Coursera course … it’s a lovely experience and you can just ignore the early choice to pay for a 61 dollar certificate if you don’t want one… It has a Full course free is the option. You will be on with a worldwide community of learners…and its MOOCs from some of the best Universities in the world in their fields…
My Morning Reading search had me looking for Laura Swan’s book on Forgotten Desert Mothers which lead to where she teaches and her topics. Then I started Googling searching Courses on Women’s Spirituality in History. I found that there is a Journal called Magistra out of Benedictine and Cistercian studies, which I was very excited to find today. These rainy day finds led me to this specific Coursera course. It starts officially, Now! like Oct 29 so you can get in Now. You can also download the videos for future reference along with transcripts, So go have a peak on Coursera easy signup and look for A Voice of Their Own. You can find it on https://www.coursera.org/learn/womens-spirituality
Note; I am not monetized with their site so it’s not an ad or promotion. I think MOOCs are awesome. When you see however how many folks are listed on Coursera MOOCs and your a blogger ( not monetized) one starts to think hmm. If I love Coursera courses and they have these awesome courses along with folks like EdX and their former Illuminated Manuscripts course which was out of Harvard…..what if I could add something to blogs that would direct folks to courses and books to go with them…wouldn’t that be so fun. I love resources and sending folks to places where they are. Are any of you bloggers that do that?